Privacy Policy

1. Privacy Policy

Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), you are hereby informed that the data you provide will be processed by the owner of this website for the following purposes:

“Customer Support / Contact” section: The data you provide will be processed in order to answer your consultations or requests and to provide the services that you request.

“Newsletter Subscription”: You are hereby informed that the data you provide will be processed in order to manage the sending of commercial information about our hotel by post, email, SMS or fax.

“Bookings”: The personal data facilitated in this section will be processed with the aim of managing the bookings you request. In any case, the data provided may be processed for the purpose of elaborating internal statistics in order to improve our services. The personal data provided will only be kept while our commercial relationship is maintained and it will be blocked once this comes to an end, in the timeframe established by legal provisions, at the sole disposition of Courts to address possible claims, after which this data will be cancelled. The legal basis for the processing of your data is fulfilment of the contractual obligations assumed by you when you request our services. You are hereby informed that the personal data facilitated may be processed in order to send you informative and other types of communications (offers, events, congratulations), for which reason you must check the box provided for this purpose. The data provided will be stored for this purpose while you do not request that the sending of advertising cease. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing consent will not affect the legality of processing based on the consent granted prior to withdrawal. You may exercise, at any time, your rights of access, rectification, suppression, opposition or limitation of processing by writing to the email address or the postal address of htop Royal Star, which is Riera d'en Jordà S/N, 08389 Palafolls, Barcelona (ESPAÑA).

Once your request is received, you will be sent a form to exercise the specific right requested, which you must complete and send to us along with a photocopy of your ID document or passport. Once this documentation has been received, we will address the exercising of your rights within the legally established timeframes and, if you are not satisfied with the exercising of your rights, you may file a complaint with the control authority, the Spanish Personal Data Protection Agency:

2. Cookies

See Cookies Policy

3. Recording visits

Every time the htop Royal Star server is accessed, the IP address from which the User is browsing will be gathered and recorded, as will the pages of htop Royal Star the User visits. This data will be stored in a log file for statistical purposes and to determine the number of pages viewed.

4. Hyperlinks

The portal provides access to other websites managed and controlled by third parties via different links to facilitate the User’s search for information, contents and services on the Internet, but in no case may this be considered a recommendation or invitation to use these links and visit these other sites. The creation of a hyperlink from a website on another internet portal to any of the pages on the portal will be subject to the following terms and conditions:

• Any hyperlink to the portal will be to the main page or pages of the sections it contains.
• Reproduction of the services or contents on htop Royal Star’s portal is not permitted under any circumstances.
• The website on which the hyperlink is established will not contain any information or contents that are illegal or contrary to morals, good customs and public order, nor will it provide contents that infringe upon any third-party right.
• False, inaccurate or incorrect declarations about the pages of the portal or its services or contents will not be included.
• No deep-links, IMG or image links, or frames with the pages of the portal will be established without the express, prior authorisation htop Royal Star.
• With the exception of signs that form a part of the hyperlink, the website on which the hyperlink is established will not contain any trademark, trade name, establishment logo, label, slogan or other distinctive branding that belongs to htop Royal Star.
• Establishment of a hyperlink will not imply the existence of relations between htop Royal Star and the owner of the website or portal from which it is made, nor will it imply that htop Royal Star has authorised the hyperlink or supervised, been aware of, accepted, or assumed responsibility for the services and contents offered on said portal. htop Royal Star does not market, control or own the contents, services and information available on these websites, and it is not liable for them or the information and declarations included therein. htop Royal Star is not liable for any damage or harm that may arise from access to, maintenance, use, quality, legality, reliability or usefulness of the contents, information, communications, declarations, products and services available or offered on websites not managed by htop Royal Star itself.

5. General

htop Royal Star reserves the right, at any time and without the need for prior notice, to temporarily suspend access to its website and to make the modifications it deems necessary to the page, the services and information offered, the presentation and location of the site, and the terms and conditions of access and use of htop Royal Star’s website. All information that is received on this website will be considered ceded to htop Royal Star freely. An email address will not be considered a valid means for filing a claim. Should the User wish to file a claim, he/she should write to the Legal Department of htop Royal Star, situated at Riera d'en Jordà S/N, 08389 Palafolls, Barcelona (ESPAÑA), which will indicate the procedure to follow in each case.

All matters relating to htop Royal Star’s website will be governed by Spanish law and subject to the jurisdiction of the corresponding Courts, with the parties expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply.

6. Veracity of data

In any case, the User will be liable for the veracity of the data provided, with htop Royal Star reserving the right to exclude the registered services from any User who facilitates false data, without prejudice to all other actions that may be applicable according to law. Furthermore, the User must be duly authorised to facilitate data belonging to third parties. Only if he/she has been granted the consent of future hotel guests may the User provide the hotel with such data. This information, which will allow htop Royal Star to offer a better service to its guests is optional, meaning its provision by the User implies, under his/her exclusive responsibility, acceptance of the duty to inform the parties involved of the contents of our Privacy Policy prior to offering up this personal information.

7. Liability of the hotel

Under no circumstances does accessing the website imply the existence of a commercial relationship between the User and htop Royal Star. The portal only supplies information regarding vacant hotel spaces when said information is requested, meaning if the User makes a booking online, he/she is directly contracting this service from the hotel, not the portal. The printed version of the booking made serves as a reference when the User arrives at the hotel. By booking nights at the hotel on this website, the User agrees to adhere to and accepts each and every one of the General Terms and Conditions expressed herein. By accepting these clauses, the User declares and accepts the following:

1) He/she is of legal age and possesses sufficient capacity to make the booking, declaring that he/she understands all of the terms and conditions found on the website.
2) The data supplied when making the booking online is truthful, complete and concise.
3) Only those pages that appear within the site map comprise the website.
4) Access to this website is the User’s responsibility.
5) Once the booking is made, the electronic document on which it has been formalised will be filed and the User may access this at any time.
6) He/she confirms the booking made, in other words, the dates indicated, the number of rooms, the number of people and the hotel chosen.
7) The terms and conditions and price of the booking made are those determined expressly in the rate terms and conditions that are included specifically on the page where the User makes the booking.
8) With regard to the relationship with the portal, the portal offers the User the chance to book rooms at the selected hotel via its website but it does not offer any type of hotel provision under its responsibility.
9) The User’s card details are gathered in order to guarantee the booking. Payment for the booking is to be made at the selected hotel and only in the event of cancellations or no-shows will the booking be cancelled and the User charged a fee in accordance with the selected rate’s terms and conditions.
10) Offers will only be valid for the time they remain accessible to recipients of the service.

8. Prices

The prices that are indicated are retail prices with VAT included. The price includes: Price per night depending on the room type and board plan selected, with the exception of hotels for which the inclusion of other services is specifically indicated. The price does not include: Any unspecified service or extras such as transfers, tips, telephone calls, laundry services, mini-bar, parking, etc. In general, and unless expressly agreed otherwise with the establishment, check-in is available from 2pm on the day of arrival and check-out is to be completed by 12 noon on the day of departure.

9. Passports and visas

All travellers without exception (including children) must be in possession of valid personal documentation and the corresponding family documentation, whether this is a passport or ID document, in accordance with current legislation. This will be the responsibility of travellers, as will the obtainment of visas, passports, vaccination certificates, etc. where necessary. Minors under 18 years old must carry a written permission document signed by their parents or guardians as this may be requested by any authority. If the granting of a visa is rejected by an authority due to individual reasons related to the User, or if entry to the country is denied due to failure to meet requirements, due to an error with required documentation, or due to failing to be in possession of said documentation, the hotel will not be liable for actions of this type, with the consumer being responsible for any costs that may arise. In these circumstances, the terms and conditions established for a no-show scenario will be applied.